Monday, August 12, 2024


Challenge Link


We check if there are 3 consecutive identical digits:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;

sub good_integer {
  $_[0] =~ /(\d)\1{2}(\1)?/ ? ($2 ? -1 : $1 x 3) : ()

print good_integer(12344456),"\n";
print good_integer(1233334),"\n";
print good_integer(10020003),"\n";


We count the number of letter changes:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;

sub changing_keys{
  my ($c,@arr) = (0,split '',lc $_[0]);
  foreach my $i(0..$#arr-1){
    $c++ if $arr[$i] ne $arr[$i+1]

printf "%d\n",changing_keys('pPeERrLl');
printf "%d\n",changing_keys('rRr');
printf "%d\n",changing_keys('GoO');

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