We see if the element count of an item is greater than or equal to 33% of the whole array size:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use List::Util qw(min);
sub thirty_three_percent_appearance{
my %h;
$h{$_}++ foreach @{$_[0]};
min grep{$h{$_} if $h{$_} >= (@{$_[0]}/3)}keys %h;
printf "%d\n",thirty_three_percent_appearance([1,2,3,3,3,3,4,2]);
printf "%d\n",thirty_three_percent_appearance([1,1]);
printf "%d\n",thirty_three_percent_appearance([1,2,3]);
We check if the given string is a subset of any of the given strings in the array:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Set::Scalar;
sub completing_word{
my $s1 = Set::Scalar->new(split'',(lc $_[0] =~ s/(\s+|\d+)//gr));
(grep{$_ if $s1 <= (Set::Scalar->new(split'',$_))}@{$_[1]})[0];
printf "%s\n",completing_word('aBc 11c',['accbbb','abc','abbc']);
printf "%s\n",completing_word('Da2 abc',['abcm','baacd','abaadc']);
printf "%s\n",completing_word('JB 007',['jj','bb','bjb']);
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